Mordhau Wiki

Diagnostic Tools[ | ]

Traceroute[ | ]

WinMTR or Pingplotter can be used to gather a diagnostic report that locates the source of your routing issues. This is usually a top-down diagram of each of the routing servers that your connection travelled through to reach the destination server, which in this case, would be a Mordhau server. This routing data can be used to determine whether the issue is close to your home, or at the Mordhau server itself. If the issue is at the Mordhau server, this information must be send to the Developers or Moderators over on the Official Mordhau Discord, Subreddit, or any other official channel.

You can find the correct address to use for a particular Mordhau server through finding the server IP address in the Mordhau.log file located in


Common Issues[ | ]

Bad Routing close to the Server[ | ]

Symptoms: More than half of the server shows Red or Yellow pings, but there is a small percentage of the server still with Green pings


  1. Gather some diagnostics using the Traceroute tools linked in this article, and send this report to the Developers through one of the official channels, such as the Discord, Subreddit, Twitter or Email.
  2. Try another server that may be located in your region.
  3. Try a community server from the Server Browser.

Bad Routing between Server and Home[ | ]

Symptoms: About half of the server has Red or Yellow pings, and the other half has normal Green pings.


  1. Try a VPN service with an endpoint close to your home region. This can help go around the regional congestion in your region by taking a longer route around the blockage.
  2. File a complaint to your ISP, sending them all relevant details and diagnostic reports using the tools above. They can forward this on to the regional communications providers who are responsible for the infrastructure in your country.

Bad Routing in your local area[ | ]

Symptoms: Less than half of the server has Red or Yellow pings.


  1. Try a VPN service with an endpoint close to your home region. This can help go around the regional congestion in your region by taking a longer route around the blockage.
  2. File a complaint with your ISP, so that they can investigate your connection and wiring. Sending traceroute data with one of the tools listed in this article might be useful.

Bad Routing at your home[ | ]

Symptoms: You or a small amount of other players have Red or Yellow ping.


  1. If you are using WIFI, try using an Ethernet cable instead.
  2. If you are on Ethernet, test or replace your Ethernet cable.
  3. Restart your Router, and check all cables are seated correctly.
  4. If you are using a VPN or Proxy, test whether disabling this resolves the issue.
  5. Ensure that no background applications are running and potentially downloading updates.
  6. File a complaint with your ISP, so that they can investigate your connection and wiring. Sending traceroute data with one of the tools listed in this article might be useful.

DDOS[ | ]

Symptoms: Everyone gets frozen in place, every ping on the scoreboard either goes to a very high red number, or around 0, then shortly after, every player gets disconnected.


  1. Type "reconnect" into the console after a few minutes to rejoin the server.
  2. Locate a new server to join either through the Server Browser, or through Matchmaking.

Server Tickrate too Low[ | ]

Symptoms: Scoreboard pings are normal, but animations seem to be jerky, skip frames, or not register hits.


  1. Locate a higher tickrate server within the server browser.

Server Tickrate can't keep up[ | ]

Symptoms: Ping remains normal, but there are momentary freezes where all players seem to stop and start, as the server catches up on actions.


  1. The server owner needs to either decrease tickrate or player count, or resolve server performance issues. Report this to the developers if it occurs on official servers, or to the server owner if it is a community server.